Discover These Superfoods | Amaranth Protein Bar | Vegan | Gluten-Free | Kosher | Natural

  • From ancient times to modern delights - A.M.O.R.
    From ancient times to modern delights - A.M.O.R.

    From ancient times to modern delights

    Discover the Fascinating History and Health Benefits of This Versatile Legume Peanuts, also known as groundnuts, have been cultivated in South America for thousands of years. The ancient Incas and Aztecs were known to grow and consume them. They believed that...

  • A perfect pair for a healthy snack - A.M.O.R.
    A perfect pair for a healthy snack - A.M.O.R.

    A perfect pair for a healthy snack

    Red Cranberries and Nutty Almonds: A Prehispanic Story  Native Mexican plant that was cherished by the Aztecs and was used in religious ceremonies and medicinal properties. The red cranberry, also known as the "craneberry" because its stem and flower resemble...

  • The secret ingredient that boosts your mood - A.M.O.R.
    The secret ingredient that boosts your mood - A.M.O.R.

    The secret ingredient that boosts your mood

    Let's talk cacao: The prehispanic history behind the chocolate we love. When we think of chocolate, we often imagine decadent bars or rich hot cocoa, but did you know that cocoa and cacao have a long and fascinating pre-Hispanic history?...

  • Exploring the Rich History of Amaranth - A.M.O.R.
    Exploring the Rich History of Amaranth - A.M.O.R.

    Exploring the Rich History of Amaranth

    A Superfood with Ancient Roots and Modern Benefits Amaranth is a superfood that has been nourishing the human body for centuries, dating back to the pre-Hispanic era in Mexico. Amaranth was a staple food of the Aztecs and was believed...